Tag Archive: Sorrow

Breathe He Says

Ahh I don’t know “What’s wrong?” Everything is wrong –Everything Feelings And emotions I find no …respite It’s beautiful blue grey against the green live music in the background Quiet screaming damsels waltzing… Continue reading

Strange Comfort

Come nowww The world revolves not around you In fact: –the earth spins on    though you be cast off Remember you are as the wind that comes and goes and is no… Continue reading

The depths

I feel everything And anything deeply So deeply it is like a never-ending abyss It pulls me in Kicking and screaming Or ‘happily’ conceding and the encompassing darkness and pain is all I… Continue reading

Why the madness

Why am I the one that has to deal with anger struggle with hatred and have the companionship of bitterness You’re the one in the wrong You’re the one at fault You’re the… Continue reading

Away with Time

This time last year My whole… Being Was consumed with pain Unbearable excruciating pain I cannot overstate this …whatever phrase I can come up with to describe that pain… I can not overstate… Continue reading

I am

I am not my depression I am not my pain I am not my heartbreak I am not my broken heart I am not my disorder I am not my anxiety I am… Continue reading

Writer of some sorts

Been so long since I wrote I’ve been so uninspired The pain of life took away my … Although the pain is usually what made me write, no, inspired my writing. Not that… Continue reading

It is the end of the day…

It is the end of a day the sun has set, the beautiful rays, no more to be seen, no more to be the night is come and darkness is all around-seemingly whispering… Continue reading


I fall asleep, -made up of broken glass,surrounded by a vast river I wake up, -made up of broken glass, always, surrounded by a vast river I fall asleep I awaken shattered,….. broken… Continue reading

With great love…

With great love … comes … great misery amnesia isn’t always a curse sometimes … sometimes it’s a much needed blessing so that when that great misery is upon you, .. then it… Continue reading