images (48)Bury your pain ’till it eats you no more
Bury your pain ’till it’s terror is no more
Bury your pain ’till it blurs your vision no more
Bury your pain ’till it takes your breath no more
Bury your pain
Bury your pain
 Deep within
Bury your pain
 Someplace unknown
Bury your pain
 Somewhere untouched


Bury your pain ’till it was never there
Bury your pain ’till it was never felt
 till it’s Not even a slither of a memory
Till it’s not even a once forgotten dream

Bury your pain

Bury your pain
For all you care
Bury your pain
For all you would dare
But do be sure
to be aware
 that if you bury your pain,
 As far as the depths, and until the depths be as the plains
This pain,
 you buried ,
Might one day rise to bury you
But oh what a long awaited day